Friday 7 January 2011

Mise-en-Scene: Props and Costume planning.

In our music video, the mise-en-scene is one of the most important factors as the plot for our music video is a stereotypical 'love story', however the French mise-en-scene and unusual costume will make our video comply to the 'indie' genre and make it more entropic.

For our music video we will use similar costumes to the ones we used for the print production, as we felt those worked successfully and therefore will come across well in the video. However, in our music video it will be incredibly difficult to edit make-up flaws throughout the clips, therefore when we are filming we want to ensure that the make-up looks as convincing as possible. For this reason, we have asked our close friend Emily Sparkes to do make-up for the music video as she is a very capable artist and we feel she would do a great job.

An example of art-work by our 'make-up artist'.

For the costumes, we will need:
1. Striped top/shirt
2. Braces
3. Black trousers/skirt
4.Top hat/beret
5. White face paint/black liquid eye-liner
6. Black or white gloves
7. Black footwear if it appears in the scene

Also, for the clown costume we will need:
1. Clown Mask
2. Checked shirt
3. Bow tie
- It is not necessary to use any other costume for this character as it will not be visible on camera.

Both my partner and I have made arrangements for the costume. Our actors already possess most of the clothing, however we have had to buy the make-up for the scene, and borrow other items such as the braces and the top hats.

Props and Location
The props we use in the video are equally important as the costume, as it will help add to the general look of the video as a whole. We have discussed the general feel we want our music video to have, and therefore we will endeavour to feature typical "1950's" or "French" props in our music video. These will be objects such as wind up telephones, accordions, playing cards, record players, old cigarette packets, etcetera.

Example of a "French" prop - My partner Leah owns an accordion and can provide it for our music video

Example of a '1950's' prop - these can be purchased on ebay or at vintage shops

The location of our video will be in various different places. These locations include:
1. The River Severn in Worcester: Running along side the River Severn is a cycle path and walk way, which is lined with trees and cathedral gardens. My partner and I saw this as an ideal setting for our 'bike' flashbacks, as the setting looks cultural and will look effective in our music video.
2. Café Rouge in Worcester: As this café is French, it will be ideal for our music video as it completely corresponds to themes we are trying to create. There is French lettering on the café walls, and the design of the restaurant also looks effective and artistic.

A picture of Café Rouge, Worcester

3. The house of our female protagonist, Milly Morris: We found the wallpaper and décor in this house corresponds well with out music video ideas and therefore will be ideal for indoor scenes such as the 'bedroom scene'. The walls are black and white and therefore will fit in with the 'mime' costume and make-up.

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